Friday, September 6, 2024


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Set off at 7.30 am and drove to Portsmouth for the 10.30pm ferry to Bilbao. A wonderful crossing, sunshine and calm sea, good food and entertainment. Stopped to fill in time on way to Portsmouth at Royal Victoria Country Park at Hamble which used to house the injured from the 2 wars.

Thursday 5 September

Arrived at Bilbao at 8am but took an hour and half to get off due to faulty ramp and broken car. No checks apart from passports.

Used Johns wonderful Navmii app which worked without data roaming and were spot on. Got to Lidl in Torrelavega then on to Camping La Viorna near Potes in the Picos de Europa.

Rained from lunchtime and took a while going on n621 through a narrow gorge that  had endless roadworks.

Arrived at site around 4pm and Roy set up in the rain. Site has wifi!

 Friday 6 September

Cloudy at first then sunshine and warm. We walked from the campsite into Potes then did part of a hike from the sunflower book. All good tracks, got a bit wrong in Frama and a lovely lady sent us the right way but we went wrong again. Backtracked found where wrong and took this very steep track up to Lubayo. Sort of deserted but we think they use either in the summer or winter for cattle. Lovely views of the eastern massif of the Picos de Europa. Retraced our route and back to site. Potes is a very pretty town as we wandered back through.

                                                    CAMPING LA VIORNA

                        ON WAY TO POTES



                                                        RED SQUIRREL

                                            VIEW OF EASTERN MASSIF

                                        LOTS OF VINEYARDS READY TO PICK

Saturday 7 September

Several changes of plans within an hour. First off to cable car, cloudy on tops sO went back and drove (not walked as Roy first suggested) to Monasterio de Santo Toribio de Liebana up the road from our site.

Lovely monastery which houses a cross containing part of the original cross Jesus was crucified on (so the y believe) Good views from mirador.

                                                                            SANTO TORIBIO

                                                                     LA CAPILLA DEL LIGNUM CRUCIS

                                                    VIEWPOINT NEAR MONASTERY

Back to site then decided to visit some lakes which were about 35 miles away. We drove over the Puerto de San Glorio which was a narrow switch back road  with stunning views. Stopped at the top and walked to viewpoints at Collada de Llesba then drove back as ran out of time for the lakes. A superb day!

                                                                            MIRADOR DE CORZO

                                                    COLLADO DE LLESBA

                                            COLLADO DE LLESBA

Sunday 8 September

A wonderful day drove to Fuente De and took the longest single span cable car in Europe to the top - 4 minutes! 43 euros for us both.
Sunshine and clouds, we walked to the Hotel Refugio de Aliva and back. Met a lovely young couple Sam and Torda from Spain and Germany again from our campsite and sat with them at the hotel cafe then gave then a lift back to their car as they walked up.
Stunning views of magnificent peaks.

Monday 9th September

A glorious sunny hot day. We drove to Cosgaya and did a 5 mile circular walk up a narrow valley following the river with amny small waterfalls but no sun, finally crossed to the other side and found the sun and lovely views of the mountains. Had our lunch back at the car park on a picnic table. Back to the site and had a super swim and sunbathe. 

                                                        sunrise view from site

Tuesday 10th September
Moved to Avin near Cangas de Onis drove through the narrow gorge with 5 lots of roadworks. Camping Picos de Europa is superb, indoor pool, restaurant wifi all for 23 E
Drove into Cangas and had help from 3 Spanish guys to get our parking ticket 1.20 for 2 hours! Had a look at the church, the Romano bridge and found Super mercados Dia and got supplies. bit of drizzle in the evening but no rain in day as was forecast.

                                                roadworks on narrow gorge

                                            CANGAS CHURCH
                                                                                    THE BELLS

                                            PUENTE ROMANO

Wednesday 11th September

A magnificent day! Drove half an hour to Poncebos to hike the classic walk through the Garganta del Cares (the throat of the Rio Cares).The trail was constructed by the electricity company Viesgo in the 1940s in order to maintain the hydroelectric canal that runs between Cain and Camarmena. It took us 6 hours including stops and we think it was about 12 miles. An awesome experience. 

                                                ROAD UP TO PONCEBOS

                                                    LOOKING DOWN TO RIO CARES

                                PUENTE BOLIN OUR TURN AROUND PLACE

                                                          OUR WAY BACK


                                                                ALMOST BACK

Thursday 12th September
Rained all day, arrived at Camping Gaivota about 2.30. 17E a night incl. electric and wifi. Tight site had to use motor mover and people to push up step!
Had a walk around village nearby and back along beach path. saw some surfers.

Friday 13th September

Drove along the coastal road to Valdovino, really pretty in places. Then motorway was not yet finished.

Missed site asked at the other site which I think we should have chosen instead of Camping A Lagoa, next to beach but just a grassy field, very basic and nmost expensive as doesn’t start ACSI until 15th. £25 a night.

The fridge would not light up, Roy spent ages pulled it all out couldn’t find a definite fault. We went out in car and asked other campsite girl where the nearest caravan service area was, it’s A Coruna open Monday ant 11am

When we came back fridge was on! Had a  walk after dinner along the boardwalk and watched the sun go down.

                                                MIRADOR DE SAN ROMAN ON WAY TO VALDOVINO


                                                                    SUNSET AT VALDOVINO

                                                 CAMPING A LAGOA VALDOVINO

Saturday 14 September
Glorious sunny day, drove to Cedeira and looked round town, pretty, market and had coffee and sausage on bread in cafe.
Visitor centre superb, gave us lots of things to view. Drove to highest cliffs in Europe stopping at many miradors. Went to Santo Andres de Teixido the second most famous pilgrimage after Santiago. Beautiful. 

                                                                                               PUNTA ORTEGAL

                                                                    VIEW FROM LIGHTHOUSE

                                                                        HUGE WINDFARM






                                                                   MY MEAL AT NOSTRUM IN VALDOVINO

                                                                                        ROYS MEAL

Sunday 15 September
Decided to stay another day and do nothing much. Sunny and hot. Had a walk along the lagoon, saw lots of birds and herons. Went down on the the beach and had a paddle.




                                        DRINK AT SUNSET AT MARE NOSTRUM

Monday 16 September

A hot sunny day 25oC. Left at 10am and followed Roy's map instructions worked fine after turn around near Ferrol. Stopped for coffee, near site used Navmii which was spot on.
Site under trees. Arrived around 1pm. Not busy. Had a walk using Camino signs towards Santiago. Did about 4km and got to edge of city. Lots and lots of pilgrims walking past the site.

                                                         CAMPING PELEGRINO SAN MARCOS

                                                                    SHRINE ON CAMINO WAY

                                                                                    ROY WITH THE CAMINO SIGNS

Tuesday 17 September
Super sunny day, asked girl where bus went from. just outside site every hour. We waited 70 minutes - no bus so drove car to San Marcos and parked in big carpark outside a closed cafe. Walked into Santiago, 6.7km each way. So pleased we got to walk made it more special. The Cathedral was stunning, all the surrounding buildings superb. Went inside, just magnificent saw the 
Had a lovely lunch in a manic cafe. Translated to minced fish for Roy was mixed pork! Spanish omelette and scallop. Back for car passing all the pilgrims. A super day!


                                                                    THE CATHEDRAL

                                                                            HALF OF THE ORGAN

                                                                         THE BOTAFUMEIRO

                    THE TOP OF THE BOTAFUMEIRO

                                                END OF THE CAMINO FOR THE PILGRIMS

Wednesday 18 September
Drove Roy's magical mystery tour way along the coast small roads through every town and village. Got a couple of wrong slots but finally got to Camping Paxarinas at Sanxenxo. Sky very overcast with pale sun but 24oC all the wildfires have caused it. Tiny sites, motor mover wouldn't work on one side so attempted to push in over the kerb into the site. Grabbed a man to help who went off to get another , meanwhile Roy could get car hooked up and backed it in! 
Ha a lovely walk along the cliff path and saw dolphins in the bays. Spoke with an English man from Northumberland who told us about Caminha site in Portugal he had just left.

                                                                         CAMOFLAGUE TREE


                                        MONTALVO BEACH

                                                SPOT THE DOLPHIN


Thursday 19 September
Sun came out after skies cleared of smoke from wildfires. Driving day went to O Grove, absolutely hectic with people and cars. A marine centre we think. Its a big fishing port.
Drove to a quiet beach for lunch then short walk then on to Con Negro for another short walk. Roy hit the car not much of a scrape in a 2m wide road he took. Stopped in Sanxenxo for supermarket  and icecream but first went totally wrong and got lost up narrow one way streets in Portonovo!!! got out with Navmii.

                                                       FISH ING STATUE IN O GROVE

                 As well as shellfish gathering and shallow-water fishing, the population lives from the farming of mussels, oysters and scallops on wooden platforms out in the water.

                                                                                            LUNCH TIME


                                                    CON NEGRO BEACH

                                                                                                                            OOPS HGV DRIVER AT LARGE. 2M ROAD!

                        sunset with haze from wildfires

Friday 20 September
Cloudy odd spots of rain as we left and drove short way to Caminha in Portugal!
Campsite at side of Rio Minho and as we booked in the heavens opened! We waited then ran to car and got a site really fast and set up. 
Rain stopped walked into Caminho, lovely town looked in the churches had a beer and back and realised that Portugal is same time as UK so gained an hour!


Saturday 21 September

Changed plans and decided to lose a days campsite fee and move from Caminha to Lima Escape Camping and Glamping at Entre Ambos -Os- Rios in the Peneda-Geres National Park. We called at Aldi on the way, much better shopping than other supermarkets.  Weather was totally wrong, cloudy as we left and glorious sunshine when we arrived. Had a walk round the site, then sunbathed.

Sunday 22 September

Sunny day 23oC, drove to Soajo up in the hills, looked at the amazing Espigueiros. They are grouped on top of a granite hillock and have central drying space which is also used for flailing. Skilfully sculptured and meticulously constructed with interlocking joints, many of these stores have survived for two centuries. They stand on mushroom shaped stilts to deter rodents since they are used to store espigas (maize which is grown on the terraced hillsides).

We started our walk, got part way, got wrong, saw lots of cows, retraced our steps and spoke with four Americans and then two Germans who showed us the other walk we could do. Had a laugh about using phones as opposed to maps!

Had lunch finally then headed on new trail down.

Drove along the other side of the river looking for the church that plays music each hour and half. Found the little church at Gracao and waited for the half hour music to be played from the four loudspeakers. Cute!  A lovely day!

                            taking sweetcorn out

Monday 23 September

Another hot sunny day, we drove to Boucas Donas after a slip up on directions we finally found the circular concrete well where the walk started. Fine till we started up past a stone wall that was overgrown, not as the good old Sunflower guide book said. Stopped for lunch in the middle of nowhere and a Portuguese lady emerged from the tall broom plants and frightened the life out of me, She was going to check the well up in the hill as her tank was not filling, she thought there may be a fault. She told us about the road above us. Roy went to investigate and we walked up and left a cairn at the side of the road to show us the way down into the scrubland. Had a walk along saw cows and horses. Spoke with a couple from Australia, then a group of four ladies. Walked as far as the white house then retraced our steps back. A good walk despite not as plan!  About 4 miles. Ate in the café bar.

these flowers are everywhere

                                                LUNCH TIME IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE

                                                                                                        THE FOREST TRACK

                                                CASA FORESTAL OUR TURN AROUND POINT


Tuesday 24 September
Rained nearly all day as we left the lovely Lima Escape campsite. Not a good day as we argued and shouted a lot especially when we went wrong in Braga so used Google to find out where we were. Finally got to Parque Cerdeira still in the Peneda - Geres National Park. 37Euros 10% off for ACSI. Site is huge but only about 5 of us on it. Wifi but no hot water. An adventure area and pool.  Stopped raining had walk round the site and ordered bread rolls.


Wednesday 25 September
Another day of endless rain as we travelled to Chaves. First thing I found the van was leaking from the front, moped up with towels. Then we found the bathroom had a leak, Roy thinks its when he drove into the tree. Finally go to the site and picked our place in the rain. Roy got a ladder and mended hopefully the leak at the bathroom he says its cracked the roof. Gorilla glue and duct tape. He then sorted out the car connection.


Thursday 26 September

After another endless rainy night and another leak in the front of the van, the weather picked up and as we drove to Braganca the sun finally arrived.

Sobre Aguas Campsite at side of the river, wifi only at bar.

Used google and found Intermarche, did bit of shopping then found the Castle of Braganca. A lovely place to visit and all for 1 Euro each.

How not to end a good day, I went to help Roy bring pots back from washing and fell over, knee, fingers all over a little stone in the path!

Friday 27 September

Had a lovely day driving on near empty roads to Salamanca. Stopped at Miranda do Douro for a look round the town. Arrive at Don Quijote campsite Salamanca at 5pm as lost hour going back into Spain. Busiest site we've been on lots of English.

                                                                   ROY AND RIO DOURO

                            CHURCH IN MIRANDA DO DOURO



Saturday 28 September

A superb day in Salamanca, we walked the 7km trail there along the river and got the bus back by the skin of our teeth!

If you don’t like churches or monasteries then this is not for you, but we have never been in so many religious buildings all in one day! Just wonderful!

Enjoyed coffee and tapas at lunch and a superb 3 course meal late afternoon. Such a vibrant city full of people! Loved it!

Sunday 29 September

Hot sunny day, had a pleasant drive to our last but one campsite Monte Royal in Aguilar de Campoo nest to a big reservoir.

Not a lot of electric so left water heater off. Sunbathed then had walk to see the church of the virgin of Llano and then sat at side of water.

Ate in restaurant which doesn’t open till 8pm. Full of locals, started with a burger menu then she brought the meal of the day. Good evening, scrabble again.

Monday 30 September
Had a fast drive on motorway to our last site Camping Playa del Regaton near Laredo. Stop for coffee and short divert in to Torrelevago for diesel.
Navmii sent us off on a cart track to site, looked in book said instructions - do not follow navigation!
Had a lovely walk along the beach and back on a path then to beach for a paddle back.


Tuesday 1 October

We had a short drive to Bilbao and got the 1pm ferry. A lovely time on board. Arrived on time at 5.30 pm the next day we drove home without any stops as such. Took 6 hours and then half an hour to back the van into our drive!
The end of a perfect holiday!

All travels have their hiccoughs here's ours

Fridge stopped working switch not active - Roy fixed it

Leak at back of van in the bathroom caused by Roy backing into a tree and cracking top of van - sorted when home

Leak started again after a days rain from top window in lounge - sorted when home

Main door catch broke but still works

Motor mover wouldnt turn on one side - Roy sorted

Roy scuffed car on a very narrow road with overhang of rocks

Roy backed van along a wooden post - no major damage

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Tuesday 3 September 2024 Set off at 7.30 am and drove to Portsmouth for the 10.30pm ferry to Bilbao. A wonderful crossing, sunshine and ca...