Thursday, September 7, 2017


  We've gone on our jolies for 6 weeks to France over on North Sea Ferries from Hull to Zeebrugge. A superb crossing, good food and a great sleep, we left Zeebrugge port early next morning and immediately went wrong, ended up going back to the port! But we were not the only ones, there was a gap in the road where everyone had turned round and gone the right way! The day was long, with a few wrong slots until we got used to road signs, but I managed the toll roads and petrol stations with my new credit card.
We camped the first night at Eaux Puiseaux, a very peaceful farm campsite. Had a walk the next morning before we left and came across the Musee de Cidre. Closed of course but luckily a young man came up as we were peering in the window and asked us if we would like a quick look round, no charge. He explained about the press and how they made the cider, so of course we had to buy a couple of bottles!
On the road going south, heading to Lac de Settons for the evening, visited Vezelay, a beautiful town atop a hill with the Basilica of Mary Magdalen, where lie her remains. We are now in the Morvan Regional Nature Park, rolling hills and very wooded. Campsite, Plage du Midi was beside the lake, very pretty.



Basilica of Marie Magdelene

remains of Mary Magdelene

view from ramparts of Vezelay

Day two and we continue south into the Morvan, camping for the night at Lac de Settons, a pretty site by the lake. Next day we drove a short distance to Fours and arrived at my brother and sister in laws house where we were spending a few days. Had a lovely walk to stretch our legs before an excellent evening, the wine flowed and we languished in the hot tub before a beautiful meal.
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My brother Jim and his big sis!

Next day we drove to Moulins, a lovely, typically French town, did some sightseeing, ate lunch and meandered back for a game of Boule and table tennis, another walk to exercise Lola, their dog and a chance for Jenny and me to get our steps in towards the Million Step challenge we're doing.

Le Grand Cafe where Coco Chanel used to sing

       Lola making friends with a french friend! So cute, she barked at the dog from across the road and the man brought him over.

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